ARTICLE BY GAD KANYESIGYE “The Patriot”,13th August 2024.
I saw an MP asking questions in parliament in regard to our waste management and disposal policy, and I got perplexed. I thought he was supposed to be part of problem solving not asking questions.
As a citizen, I would love to read proposals instead of questions coming from NRM MPs/policymakers who are official actors who possess the legal authority to engage in the formulation of public policy.
Looking at the Kiteezi tragedy, as a country, I think our waste management and disposal policy gives our cities, districts, and towns the autonomy to regulate and manage their waste disposal as a matter of policy, this is a similar approach that most countries use in mitigating waste disposal crises.
However, just like how other institutions have died, we’re also failing implementation and law enforcement in this field hence the Kiteezi cataclysm.
Our most common practice of waste disposal method here is to dump rubbish in one place(Land fill) until it creates a heap/mountain of garbage without further efforts to recycle, compost or do a waste to energy incineration.
– Kiteezi garbage dump landslide: Death toll rises to 25.
– President Museveni offers Ugx5M to each family of the killed.
– Search for more bodies underway.
– Eyewitnesses claim that over 100 bodies are still trapped under the garbage.
My prayer; We just need both the key government policy actors like the legislative arm of gov’t, the executive and the private sector to engage in developing and implementing the relevant laws and policies on solid waste recycling, composting, waste-to-energy incineration, and waste segregation, increase community awareness of critical behavior, and create sustainable markets for waste-segregated and recycled products. This must be flanked with serious enforcement measures.
Political posturing from our political actors is the worst problem that has befallen our country, everyone charged with the duty to create solutions wants to articulate problems instead of providing solutions.
_End_ *For God and My Country*.