Article By, Gad Kanyesigye_The Patriot_ a community empowerment advocate. To begin with, many Ugandan parents are not business-oriented, which is a significant reason why their children often finish school...
MISAIRI THEMBO KAHUNGU, Parliament Watch. On Thursday, 24th October 2024, Parliament voted to advance the National Coffee (Amendment) Bill, 2024, which proposes the dissolution...
Leaders from over 10 districts of Ankole sub-region have decried gaps in the fight against foot-and-mouth disease-FMD ravaging the cattle corridor, which led to...
On March 23, 2023, President Museveni held a meeting at State House Entebbe with National Resistance Movement (NRM) Parliamentary Regional Whips to promote the...
Coffee farmers and investors in Uganda have accused the CEO Inspire Africa Coffee, Nelson Tugume for pocketing US$20m (Ugx76,152,840,000) meant to finance coffee export...
This explainer is produced as part of African Centre for Media Excellence-ACME’s two-year project, implemented in partnership with the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, to...