By Aaron Ainomugisha. Mbarara city businessman Nicholas Asiimwe a.k.a Nicoz’s Woodfix Technical Services Ltd risks losing street parking fees collection tender after defaulting for about 56 weeks, worth Ugx108,960,000 in Mbarara City North.
Other defaulting tenderers include Paul Barekye for mobile vans – 14 weeks worth Ugx3.8m, Wilberforce Arinaitwe for Rwebikoona daily market – 10 weeks worth 4.2m, Biharwe market bikade traders – 14 weeks worth 4.6m,etc.
A report produced by the Mbarara City North Finance committee confirms that some tenderers have defaulted very badly which has affected local revenue performance in Mbarara City North especially in businesses licences and market dues.
Woodfix and other defaulters have been refusing to comply with the summons by Mbarara city North Division, which has prompted Mbarara North authorities to seek higher authorities’ intervention.
Councilors led by Speaker Silver Mugisha have now resolved that if all the defaulters fail to pay by the end of this January 2023, the division will seek permission from Mbarara City authorities to terminate their contracts.
Some concerned stakeholders have also attributed these gaps to alleged connivance and corruption which hinders higher authorities from punishing these defaulters and poor monitoring by Mbarara City Town Clerk Arthur Abireebe, Mayor Robert Kakyebezi, area MPs and other authorities.