Kiruhura farmer loses over 20 animals in less than 1 month


Farmers in Kikatsi Sub county Nyabushozi county Kiruhura district and other areas have mobilized,to compel authorities to intervene as they continue losing animals over suspected fake drugs,and other issues that they want addressed.

The animals that died this weekend,at Martin Kabangira's farm.
The animals that died this weekend,at Martin Kabangira’s farm.

This comes at a time when one of the farmers in Kikatsi Sub County, Martin Kabangira is in tears and has so far lost over 20 animals especially goats in less than a month (according to him). Kabangira says he called a sub county veterinary doctor who injected his animals with a yet to be know drug on 7th May 2022 and the animals started dying, the doctor’s phones are off and authorities are neglecting his issue. He added that the dug a “pit” where they put the dead ones – losing at least 1 daily,as of today Sunday May 15,2022.

According to Robert Kabatereine, the Chairperson Mbarara Network of Farmers’Voice, and Farmers Parliament where Kabangira is a member, they have started engaging different authorities to see that he gets justice & help.

Kabatereine adds that fake drugs are still a big hindrance to commercial farming and also a big threat to human beings and food security. He wants authorities and stakeholders to jointly fight fake drugs.

Kabangira isn’t alone, most farmers continue to decry fake drugs, tick or pests resistance and other hindrances on their livestock and crop farms. By press time, authorities contacted promised to take action. The National Drug Authority-NDA has on several occasions quashed claims by farmers who say many drugs are fake,challenging them to ensure proper usage & storage of drugs. RISE NEWS UGANDA on TWITTER


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