LC III Chairpersons & mayors from Ankole sub-region want the government to increase their monthly salary from ugx380,000 to 5 million since they do a lot than MPs who earn over 25 million,and other concerns hindering their work.
In their meeting at Kakyeka playground ground on 23/3/2022, they revealed that they are using their money to do government work, and have now moved to unite & petition different authorities including President Museveni.
The “frustrated” leaders are also concerned that they continue being sidelined;

decrying corruption by technocrats who budget for ugx20 million to construct a ugx5 million pit latrine,and other irregularities hindering accountability & service delivery.
According to one of their coordinators Patrick Bigambweensi who’s the mayor Bwizibweera-Rutooma town council,they are closer to local people, and face too much demand.
Story by Rise News Uganda