Article By, Gad Kanyesigye_The Patriot_ a community empowerment advocate. To begin with, many Ugandan parents are not business-oriented, which is a significant reason why their children often finish school...
Locals in Isingiro district,western Uganda and other parts of the country have been challenged to embrace better feeding for children.
ALSO READ - POLIO ERADICATION: Kenya and Uganda cross-border polio vaccination...
Mbarara University Of Science And Technology-MUST is struggling to ensure smooth service delivery due to poor infrastructure in the medical school.
Prof. Celestino Obua, the...
Police in Mbarara city central division is holding a Uganda People’s Defence Force-UPDF soldier identified as Private Turyasima Allan who was found in possession...
EXCLUSIVE - BY AARON AINOMUGISHA. In 2000, Ms. Juliet Kasande tested positive for HIV/AIDS. Her husband, a centenary bank accountant whom she had married...
Police in Mbarara city and authorities at Mbarara regional referral hospital are jointly investigating the theft of an oxygen concentrator following the arrest of...