Article By, Gad Kanyesigye_The Patriot_ a community empowerment advocate. To begin with, many Ugandan parents are not business-oriented, which is a significant reason why their children often finish school...
Locals in Isingiro district,western Uganda and other parts of the country have been challenged to embrace better feeding for children.
ALSO READ - POLIO ERADICATION: Kenya and Uganda cross-border polio vaccination...
Elias Ngalame. African climate stakeholders have called for more green technology training in specialized higher education institutions as a transformative opportunity to curb surging...
Uganda’s opposition leader, Dr Kizza Besigye and his colleague, Hajj Obed Lutale, have been remanded to Luzira Prison till December 2, 2024 on charges...
This story exposes a fake Dr Innocent Ssemanda of Cleveland Specialised Women’s Clinic Wampewo,Wakiso in Uganda who has terrorized patients for years.
This imposter whose...