Rwampara Woman MP Molly Asiimwe.

Western Uganda. The Rwampara district Woman Member of Parliament-MP Molly Asiimwe’s own coordinators and different locals have rebuked her, strongly criticizing her for absence on the ground and being unavailable whenever they have issues to address to her.
The scandal has escalated following their meeting held at her home in Rugando Sub County, Rwampara district on Thursday, August 24, 2023, where coordinators from the entire district scoffed at the legislator saying she has also failed to attend funerals and other events in the district.

In Hon Molly Asiimwe’s response during the meeting at her home in Rugando,Rwampara, she said she is always busy due to the kind of job she does as an MP. Before joining the 11th parliament, Molly (who is serving her first term) was First Lady Janet Museveni’s secretary.

UNFULFILLED PLEDGES: They further reminded the legislator to fulfill the pledges she made during the 2021 general election campaigns including electricity connectivity, improved road network and extension of clean water in the district. Locals have accused her for claiming to have lobbied the current projects yet they were already in pipeline.

BEING NEGATIVELY AFFECTED IN 2026 GENERAL ELECTIONS: Though coordinators commended her for lobbying bursaries and organizing several fundraisers, local analysts have argued that this is not among the four constitutional roles of Members of Parliament in Uganda.
In her response, the accused MP said she is always busy due to the kind of job she does as an MP. Before joining the 11th parliament, Molly (who is serving her first term) was First Lady Janet Museveni’s secretary.

Hon Molly Asiimwe & her coordinators during the meeting at her home in Rugando,Rwampara, on Thursday, August 24,2023.

Article 79 of Ugandan 1995 Constitution gives Parliament the powers to fulfill its mandate by making laws and other roles. The four major roles of an MP in Uganda include legislation, budget approval/appropriation, oversight and representation where an MP bring to the attention of relevant Ministers different matters of national concern.

In the constituency, MPs can hold consultative meetings with their constituents, update them on the activities of parliament and government policies, and gather their views and concerns on issues, which affect their livelihood, but MPs do not construct or repair roads and bridges in their constituencies. They also do not build hospitals or schools. MPs do not have an obligation to contribute to voters’ weddings and similar activities; or to pay school fees for children or students in their constituencies.


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