Police and other security authorities in Mbarara city western Uganda are investigating circumstances under which an angry mob attacked two robbers moving on a motorcycle, killing one on spot and leaving another hospitalized at Mbarara regional referral hospital.
The duo were intercepted by boda boda riders near Mbarara modern secondary school in surveyor cell Kakiika Mbarara city north on Thursday afternoon, April 6,2023 after one of the robbers snatched a bag from a lady who had withdrawn UGX500,000 from a mobile money agent on Ntare road prompting the boda boda riders to chase them.
Eyewitnesses narrated that the two were intercepted in Surveyor cell where one jumped off the motorcycle and entered Mbarara modern S.S before the mob pulled him out and lynched him, while another group followed the one riding the motorcycle, intercepted him near Kosiya Hotel and beat him to pulp.
WHAT RISE NEWS UGANDA INVESTIGATORS HAVE ESTABLISHED. The robber who was badly beaten has been identified as Ben Kazora.
WHO IS BEN KAZORA? He is a landlord in Surveyor cell, Kakiika, Mbarara city north who owns several plots of land, and the locals confirmed that he is a well-known robber though their outcry to police and other authorities to have him arrested have been futile.
“People wanted to beat him to death, but almost whoever tried to cast a stone realized that he is Ben and left him. Everyone knows him. He is a robber, he is rich and we have been crying out to police for intervention. Police has taken him and saved him. Such people should be punished,” one of the locals narrated.
ASP Samson Kasasira, the Rwizi police spokesperson confirmed the incident and condemned the mob action saying police could not identify the deceased because he did not have any identification documents. Ben, who sustained serious injuries, was admitted at Mbarara regional referral hospital as police closely monitors his situation before further action.
HOTSPOTS: This comes at a point when Mbarara city is registering an increase in crimes including kidnaps with at least 2 cases of kidnap registered in the last 1 month, murders, house break-ins and other insecurities especially in Kakyeka, Nkokonjeru, Nyamitanga, Kakoba, Katete, Nyamityobora, Ruharo/Kiyanja, Surveyor and other neighbourhoods where locals have asked police and other authorities to intensify operations and disband these criminal gangs before the situation worsens.