In this story, Aaron Ainomugisha investigated how “Young girls working as barmaids were sexually abused during COVID-19 lockdown”. Some being those who were previously in school before the lockdown, being sold by local bar owners. Defiled for ugx5000!
The incidents were reported in Mbarara city & surrounding areas. Authorities have intervened to rescue the victims and perpetrators brought to book. The accused include Topher Mwebaze,45, of TOP MASTER BAR & LODGE, and a one Bright Muhumuza who have been claiming to give young girls jobs under Fibra (U) Limited, only for the young girls to end up being sexually abused as they are ‘sold’ to different bar owners in Mbarara city and beyond.
Young girls turn into barmaids amidst #COVID19 lockdown & curfew, sleeping with men for ugx5000.#RiseNewsUganda
Western Uganda @AaronAinomugis3— Rise News Uganda Network (@RiseNewsUganda) February 19, 2022